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数据来源: 该页面支持的版本: 该页面支持的语言: 订阅地址: 社交媒体: 最后更新于: 2024-07-19T14:35:11.277+08:00   查看统计
How Indian Agents Are Operating Out Of Indian Consulates To Target Sikhs In The West (www.baaznews.org)
2023 is the hottest year in millennia: Why and how is this measured? (english.elpais.com)
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What Kant can teach us about work: on the problem with jobs | Aeon Essays (aeon.co)
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Resistance from Essequibo: ‘We will defend ourselves if Venezuela dares to invade us’ (english.elpais.com)
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Why candlepin bowling took off in New England — and not anywhere else (www.wbur.org)
Society ‘disappears’ ageing women. So I harnessed that cloak of invisibility to do all sorts of ‘inappropriate’ things (www.theguardian.com)
Why Does the Chicago Police Department Tolerate Abusive Racists in Its Ranks? (theintercept.com)
THE LANCET: No evidence of inflated mortality reporting from the Gaza Ministry of Health (www.thelancet.com)
Technology built the cashless society. Advances are helping the unhoused so they're not left behind (finance.yahoo.com)
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Widespread destruction in Gaza puts concept of ‘domicide’ in focus (www.theguardian.com)
How Remote Work Could Affect Philadelphia Office Buildings' Property Taxes (www.pewtrusts.org)
Hunter Biden’s Drug-Fueled, Prostitute-Filled, Wild Spending Sprees Laid Out in Stunning Detail (dramasalsal.com)
Harvard president apologizes, says she feels ‘regret’ following testimony before Congress (dramasalsal.com)
A violent murder, a child on death row - Paula Cooper was 15 when she murdered 77-year-old Ruth Pelke in her Indiana home, and was sentenced to death. But a campaign for her life came from an unexpected quarter (www.theguardian.com)
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Does the American dream foster inequality? New research shows US citizens are alone among wealthy western nations in being largely unmoved by income disparities (www.ft.com)
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Green Colonialism | In Sweden’s Arctic, a battle for the Earth’s climate rages, and a question looms: Are we simply trading out one extractive industry for another? (www.noemamag.com)
After the Hit-and-Run - Can restorative justice offer crash victims like me—and the drivers who harmed us—the healing we need? (jewishcurrents.org)
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The new authoritarian personality. What is driving the resurgence of the libertarian far right? (www.newstatesman.com)
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Revealed: how top pop stars are used to ‘launder the reputation’ of Koch family (www.theguardian.com)
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I Can’t Control the World, But I Can Leave Stickers on It — A perfectionist lets go and helps make the city a little more chaotic, one goofy graphic at a time. (www.nytimes.com)
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You’ve Never Heard of Israel’s Most Wanted Man (www.countere.com)
Governments spying on Apple, Google users through push notifications (www.reuters.com)
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“Imagine a Child Gets Stabbed 26 Times”:A 6-year-old boy’s killing outside Chicago stunned the country. The people left behind can barely fathom the future. (slate.com)
“Someone tell me what to do” - Uvalde shooting shows contrast in preparedness between students and police (www.texastribune.org)
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Lucid dream startup says you can work in your sleep (fortune.com)
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In this shrinking Mississippi Delta county, getting a college degree means leaving home behind (mississippitoday.org)
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Prospective Jurors Receive Pre-Screening Forms for Trump's Federal Election Interference Trial (www.bncnnews.com)
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How the White House’s John Kirby is taking on the word ‘genocide’ (www.theguardian.com)
The Impact of Gun Ownership Rates on Crime Rates: A Methodological Review of the Evidence (www.hoplofobia.info)
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The Green New Deal Is the Opiate of the Masses. In the Global North, measures to stop climate change cannot double as ways to further economic growth (www.thenation.com)
Escalation in North-West Syria: Civilian Areas Hit in Renewed Attacks (www.bellingcat.com)
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Dondi Ritual: एक अनुष्ठान जिसके दौरान पुजारी माता-पिता के सामने बच्चे पर पैर रखता है | Viral Video 2023 (studybihar.online)
Big Tech Is Exploiting the Mental Health Crisis to Monetize Your Data (jacobin.com)
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Israeli women were raped and widowed by Hamas. Now the world ignores and mocks their suffering (forward.com)
CCP’s Strategic Tactics, Targeting of Non-CCP Intellectuals, and Social Media Cognitive Warfare — The CCP BioThreats Initiative (www.ccpbiothreats.com)
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‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza (www.972mag.com)
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How Iranians ended up working for the Yakuza (neareast.io)
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Billionaires amass more through inheritance than wealth creation, says UBS (www.ft.com)
Next generation of billionaires collect more wealth from inheritance than work, says UBS (www.theguardian.com)
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In the world of sexual fetishes, crossing the political aisle is a kink (www.washingtonpost.com)
Black survivors are nearly invisible in the U.S. Catholic clergy sexual abuse crisis (www.nbcnews.com)
Which Movies Stand the Test of Time, and Which Do Not? A Statistical Analysis (www.statsignificant.com)
What Happens to a School Shooter’s Sister? Twenty-five years ago, Kristin Kinkel’s brother, Kip, killed their parents and opened fire at their high school. Today, she is close with Kip—and still reckoning with his crimes. (www.newyorker.com)
When does life end? A father didn’t believe his daughter was dead. He says the hospital still harvested her organs (www.theguardian.com)
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‘Life without consequences’: the fraternity bros who built a multimillion-dollar drug ring (www.theguardian.com)
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Savage with Loveliness: What I Will Tell My Daughter About Reading Cormac McCarthy (medium.com)
Going cashless is a bad idea, but it’s not a conspiracy (aeon.co)
Donald Trump Says He Never Swore Oath 'to Support the Constitution' (www.msn.com)
It’s All Bullshit. Performing productivity at Google (thebaffler.com)
The Izz al-Din al-Qasam Brigades released a photo of a thank you letter written by a former prisoner in the Gaza Strip... (circledseven.com)
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A new book describes the crackpot anthropological theories that Nazis used to justify their belief in Aryan racial superiority. (quillette.com)
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Indian Politics 101: The Odyssey of the Indian Republic (theemissary.co)
Blindness transformed my social world, and I changed with it (psyche.co)
In the late 1960s, Denmark implemented a brutal contraceptive policy to limit births in its former colony of Greenland, forcing thousands of teenage girls to have IUDs inserted without their consent. Women are now speaking out (www.france24.com)
UK Supreme Court finds Deliveroo riders have no rights to collective bargaining because they aren’t workers (braveneweurope.com)
The violence against Indigenous women in Killers of the Flower Moon isn’t just historical. It’s an ongoing crisis. (www.vox.com)
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Left Behind and United by Populism? Populism’s Multiple Roots in Feelings of Lacking Societal Recognition (link.springer.com)
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Armenia's leader snubs meeting of Russia-dominated security grouping over a rift with the Kremlin (apnews.com)
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Settler psychology; Understanding why Israeli propaganda fails on a fundamental level (criticalresist.substack.com)
We Should All Be Working Part Time for Full-Time Pay (jacobin.com)
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The Harvard Law Review Refused to Run This Piece About Genocide in Gaza: The piece was nearing publication when the journal decided against publishing it. You can read the article here. (www.thenation.com)
Israel is the only country that systematically prosecutes minors in military courts. An estimated 500-700 Palestinian children are tried annually, the most common charge being stone-throwing, which carries a 20-year prison sentence! (www.middleeasteye.net)
A Fired ‘Scream’ Star, Clients Booted From Agencies and a Secret Tom Cruise Meeting: Inside Hollywood’s Divide Over Israel (variety.com)
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White House declassifies intel suggesting Wagner Group is preparing to provide air defense capability to Hezbollah or Iran | CNN Politics (edition.cnn.com)
A man convicted in absentia for his role in the 1975 murder of the president of Bangladesh and most of his family is living free in Toronto. An investigation by The Fifth Estate raises questions about Canada’s silence in the case (www.cbc.ca)
"The Iron wall" by Ze’ev Jabotinsky, Ukrainian Zionist author who admits in 1923 that Israel is a colonial project and Arabs resist Israel because they are native in the same sense the Aztecs are to America (www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org)
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Why the Past 10 Years of American Life Have Been Uniquely Stupid (www.theatlantic.com)
'Did we die?' A week in the life of a journalist in the Gaza Strip (www.usatoday.com)
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The power of literally not caring about incentives (tryingtruly.substack.com)
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Half of Pakistani-heritage couples in Britain are in cousin marriages (www.dailymail.co.uk)
Being Suicidal Doesn’t Necessarily Mean You’re Mentally Ill (slate.com)
The Chilean explorer documenting the death of glaciers at the ends of the earth (english.elpais.com)
Boeing 787 plane capable of carrying 300 passengers lands in Antarctica in 'world first' (news.sky.com)
Trauma seems to be passed down genetically — but experts still aren't sure what that means (www.salon.com)
T-Mobile sued after employee stole nude images from customer phone during trade-in (www.cnbc.com)
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When Jesus comes back to Earth, can a group of Christians plan on suing him while remaining devout? (www.quora.com)
Physicians’ Refusal to Wear Masks to Protect Vulnerable Patients—An Ethical Dilemma for the Medical Profession (jamanetwork.com)
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World Health Organization mission to Al-Shifa Hospital (3 min read) (www.who.int)
Haaretz: Police investigation revealed that Israeli combat helicopters killed Israeli civilians and Hamas likely did not have prior knowledge of the music festival! (www.haaretz.com)
Lord of the Deep - The most successful shipwreck hunter in modern times (www.bloomberg.com)
Israel's War on American Students Activist. In a bombshell, The nation reports that Israel is operating a phony front group in the US to spy on pro-Palestinian students on college campuses (www.thenation.com)
The Hamas sexual pogrom and the deafening silence of the world’s feminist movements (www.ynetnews.com)
Dissertation Questionnaire All About Vegan Food Ads (forms.gle)
U.S. Retail Sales Fall for First Time Since March as Holiday Season Approaches (www.wsj.com)
In the home of hamburgers and sausages, plant-based meat sales are growing. How did Germany do it? (projects.apnews.com)
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The Guardian Deletes Osama Bin Laden's 'Letter to America' Because It Went Viral on TikTok (www.404media.co)
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Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sánchez just blew up the internet by describing their ‘pretty normal’ typical day amid surging billionaire backlash (finance.yahoo.com)
The world wants your kids to buy stuff. Here’s how to help them be less materialistic. (www.vox.com)
Sydney's plus-size community tackles fat stigma with life drawing and 'fat babes speed-friending' (www.abc.net.au)
Dead Perverts Society: A review of "Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy" by Costin Alamariu (joshwayne.substack.com)
‘Conspiracies are just theories … not fact’: the Secret Service agent haunted by JFK’s shooting (www.theguardian.com)
Nearly Everyone With Mild Cognitive Impairment Goes Undiagnosed (www.wired.com)
How big is science’s fake-paper problem? : An unpublished analysis suggests that there are hundreds of thousands of bogus ‘paper-mill’ articles lurking in the literature (www.nature.com)
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Inside the Invasive, Secretive “Bossware” Tracking Workers (www.eff.org)
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New College: How DeSantis Is Forcing Florida Brain Drain by Targeting an LGBTQ+ Campus (www.teenvogue.com)
‘Tyranny of the Minority: How American Democracy Reached the Breaking Point’ by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt (www.independent.com)
The brutal calculus of war: Is the killing of civilians ever justified? (www.npr.org)
Human Rights mutating into structural justification of antisemitism (www.rabbisacks.org)
Whither philosophy? The Discipline Today Finds Itself Precariously Balanced Between Incomprehensible Specialization and Cheap Self-Help (aeon.co)
Settler colonialism is not distinctly Western or European | Aeon Essays (aeon.co)
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The 20 Farming Families Who Use More Water From the Colorado River Than Some Western States (projects.propublica.org)
Inside the weird and delightful origins of the jungle gym, which just turned 100 (www.npr.org)
Inside the angst and anxiety gripping the Biden administration over the Israel-Hamas war | CNN Politics (edition.cnn.com)
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The controversial history of 'fixing' intersex kids born not really girl or boy (nationalpost.com)
'I’m calling from Israeli intelligence. We have the order to bomb. You have two hours': a dentist in Gaza is directed to evacuate his neighborhood from a bombing campaign. (www.bbc.com)
The League of Didactic White Boys: Mythcraft in the Age of the Internet (www.bartholomy.ooo)
‘The good guys don’t always win’: Salman Rushdie on peace, Barbie and what freedom cost him (www.theguardian.com)
The world is turning against Israel’s war in Gaza – and many Israelis don’t understand why | CNN (edition.cnn.com)
How American Colleges Gave Birth to Cancel Culture (www.thefp.com)
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Is it too much to ask people to view Palestinians as humans? Apparently so | Arwa Mahdawi (www.theguardian.com)
85% of people worry about online disinformation, global survey finds (www.theguardian.com)
‘Dire’ antisemitism allegations at Harvard could lead to donor exodus, billionaire Bill Ackman warns (www.cnn.com)
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Second Genesis: When a Tribute Band Transcends the Original (thewalrus.ca)
How Russian disinformation toppled government after government in Africa (web.archive.org)
Far-right minister: Nuking Gaza is an option, population should ‘go to Ireland or deserts’ (www.timesofisrael.com)
George Kistiakowsky: Ukrainian who made Manhatten Project work and first Atomic bomb explode (u-krane.com)
German Vice-Chancellor speaks out on antisemitic incidents – DW – 11/02/2023 (www.dw.com)
MAGA and Christian nationalism: Bigger threat to America than Hamas could ever be | the Age of Enlightenment led men to give up on state religions and was a direct inspiration for our Bill of Rights, Republicans are hellbent on returning to the dark Ages (www.salon.com)
Can y’all give me karma please. I’m not asking for anything else. (google.com)
What the 2024 Election Is Really About for Trump Supporters: He promised them: “I am your retribution.” (www.theatlantic.com)
When the internet becomes unknowable| Tools for studying social media are being shut down. It’s the last thing researchers—and democracy—need (www.prospectmagazine.co.uk)
Some anorexia patients want the right to die. A few doctors are willing to listen (www.theguardian.com)
Mike Johnson's Satanic panic: How evangelical delusions trained Republicans to love Trump's lies- If you believe Noah's Ark was real and demons come out of the TV, it's just a small jump to embrace the Big Lie (www.salon.com)
At the Threshold of Humanity | Gaza is not an abstraction (thebaffler.com)
Merchant of Death: The case of Kenneth Law, the man charged with selling suicide kits (torontolife.com)
An Interview with Charles Clavey on Antisemitism and the Development of Critical Theory (www.jhiblog.org)
Mapping the Massacres: A geovisualization of the Hamas atrocities in Israel on Oct. 7 (oct7map.com)
Why the urban legend of contaminated Halloween candy won't disappear (www.npr.org)